Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Oh My Aching Back

 I am so frustrated with my attempts to workout.  Last week I only squeezed in one day, so this week was going to be better.  Well, "what happened was" I jumped in with both feet Monday.  I went to the gym even though the rest of my crew couldn't make it.  I did 32 minutes on the bike and 100 crunches.  Tuesday, I didn't make it. Wednesday, my back did not like the fact that I worked out Monday after slacking off for a week.  Now, several Aleve and several rounds of ice and heat later (and Biofreeze), I'll probably be out tomorrow also.  I didn't even get to do Zumba this week before my old  body wore out on me.  I'll never get the belly off with this back pain, but the back pain won't get better with the belly weight.  Good grief!

There were some good things that happened.  I did avoid the birthday cake this week. I substituted low-fat cinnamon graham crackers.  I am trying to cut the sugar as much as possible, so the graham crackers are better than regular cookies or cake.  Sunday, we fired up the grill and I scored "moneymaker" deals on salad, so it made dinners a "no-brainer". (I won't talk about Saturday's anniversary lunch at Abuelos.)

I also definitely know that things are so much easier to deal with when I've had my quiet time aka prayer and meditation.  Things just don't bug me quite as much.  I'm also leaning on the serenity prayer. I am a control freak and I have got to learn to let go of the stuff that I really have no control over and fix the things that I do have control over.  This will also be a baby steps process, but I'll eventually make it.

Oh yeah, I finally took down that Easter wallpaper. Now if I can figure out how to move my header so that the logo from the freebie wallpaper doesn't cover it up....

Monday, August 15, 2011

I'm Baaack!

I've been gone too long.  I've let everything get in the way of my health. I kept saying that I would get back on track, but it didn't happen.  Now the move has been completed for a couple of months; so it's time to get the routine back.  I don't think I ever recovered from working a second job.  I just never managed to get my mojo back. One thing after another happened and I am more overweight and less fit than I was six months ago and definitely a year ago.

I have been going to the gym at lunch with my co-workers, but I have not been making it to my classes or walking a trail.  I've moved away from my favorite trail, so I need to check out the ones closer to my home, but with the 100+ degree temperatures, that really has not been an option. Last week  I went to Zumba at the gym that is closer to home and work.  I made it through the entire class.  I felt so out of shape that I really wondered if I would last.  I do a lot better in a class that doing weights or cardio using the machines.  I did try a spin bike, but I've gone back to the regular exercise bike.  It easier on my rear, I feel that I need to increase my endurance before I tackle a spin class.

No matter how much I exercise, my main problem is and has always been THE FOOD.  It just doesn't work if you eat your workout. In other words, I can't burn what I eat.  There are too many calories.  I've been trying an online journal, but once I get home, it's done.  I know I'm a food addict.  All of the signs are there. The more stress I feel, the more I eat. It's just insane.  I found some Overeaters Anonymous podcasts and I could really relate.  I've known for a while that alone I really am not in control.  I am also understanding why some people attain lifetime in Weight Watchers, but keep that yo-yo cycle and keep returning.  Everytime I return I hear those same stories from people who didn't quite make it to lifetime or are lifetime members and have re-gained most or all of their weight. We are doing the best that we can, but we are trying to control something that we have cannot control. I'm not ready for the OA  meetings yet, but I know I'll have to do it.  If you like the show Intervention, stay tuned....